About the event
Python is a dynamic, readable language that is a popular platform for all types of bioinformatics work, from simple one-off scripts to large, complex software projects. This workshop is aimed at people who already have a basic knowledge of Python and are interested in using the language to tackle larger problems. In it, we will look in detail at the parts of the language which are particularly useful in scientific programming, and at the tools Python offers for making development faster and easier. The workshop will use examples and exercises drawn from various aspects of bioinformatics work.
After completing the workshop, students should be in a position to;
(1) take advantage of the advanced language features in their own programs, and;
(2) use appropriate tools when developing software programs.
This event will be delivered virtually, in the following format:
- The programme will be delivered over ten days, from Monday 5 - Friday 16 October 2020, weekdays only.
- On each day there will be 3.5 hours of live input (via Zoom) from the trainer (9:00-12:30 UK/GMT+1, including breaks).
- Morning sessions will comprise:
- Lectures/input
- Practical exercises, with the trainer on hand to assist and offer 1-1 support.
- Slack will be used to share important updates and for asking questions.
- Lectures/input will be recorded and made available to participants as soon as possible that day for anyone who needs to catch up.
Please see here for a detailed syllabus of the course.
Target audience and prerequisites
Students should have enough biological/bioinformatics background to appreciate the examples and exercise problems (i.e. they should know what a protein accession number, BLAST report, and FASTA sequence is) and should also have basic Python experience. Students should be familiar with the use of lists, loops, functions and conditions in Python and have written at least a few small programs from scratch.
This course is aimed at people who want to develop bigger or more complicated programs in Python, or to learn more about the language, or to explore different approaches (object-oriented, functional) to programming. The material covered is very general purpose and can be applied to any kind of problem.
If you are unsure about the suitability of this course for your needs, questions can be directed to Martin Jones.
In order to participate remotely you will need your own laptop or computer, a stable internet connection. and preferably either two screens or one large screen for the best experience. Instructions for any software to be installed will be sent out prior to the course.
"This is ideal for a regular python user that wishes to build upon their skills and learn more about what actually goes on behind the syntax. Martin’s teaching style is excellent and the materials were pitched at just the right level."
"Excellent! The course was easy to follow but not too basic. Really well paced and Martin was very good at explaining the concepts in a relevant way."
~ Advanced Python for Biologists course attendee, July 2019