Image AirSeq: using DNA sequencing to provide early warning of airborne pathogens Highly sensitive, real-time, in-field detection of airborne pathogens
Image Alternative splicing in health and disease Using long-read DNA sequencing we can reveal the many, long-undiscovered forms that a single gene can take - leading us to new therapeutic targets.
Image Ash Dieback - the genome, invasion and evolution of the pathogen What does the genome of the ash dieback pathogen tell us about successful invaders?
Image Biodiversity Genomics Europe Establishing a step-change in biodiversity genomics research in Europe
Image Cell expression heterogeneity impact on environmental response Linking heterogeneity in gene expression within individual cells with whole organism phenotypes and adaptability.
Image Characterising gene function, biosynthetic pathways, and variation in agri/aquacultural traits Linking large-scale omics data to biological function
Image Circadian rhythms in plants Applying imaging techniques, transcriptomics and machine learning to explore circadian rhythms in a range of plant systems
Image Collaborative OPen Omics (COPO) COPO is a data brokering portal to describe, store and retrieve data more easily, using community standards and public repositories that enable the open sharing of results.
Image Darwin Tree of Life Project Sequencing the genome of every eukaryote species in the British and Irish Isles
Image Data Science for Cellular Genomics Developing data standards, workflows, infrastructure, and methods to enable interpretation, sharing, reuse, and integration of single-cell datasets.
Image DNA replication and genome evolution and stability. Single molecule analysis of genome replication
Image Earth Biogenome Project A global partnership to sequence the genomes of all lifeforms so we can better understand and harness biodiversity