
EI Schools Programme at Fascination of Plants Day

In Norwich, over 400 school children from years 5 to 11 attended a Fascination of Plants Day hosted by the John Innes Centre.

Start date: 18 May 2015
End date: 18 May 2015
Time: 08h30 - 16h00


Registration deadline: 10 June 2016

About the event

In Norwich, over 400 school children from years 5 to 11 attended a Fascination of Plants Day hosted by the John Innes Centre. At the EI booth, students experienced hands-on activities from algae, 3D plant cells to DNA origami to engage them with the Institute’s plant science research in genomics and bioinformatics.

In a phylogenetic activity, the pupils were challenged to place a group of various plants in the order in which they evolved using the ‘EI Evolution Tree’; from the oldest species to the evolutionary newcomer. The school children were then given the genetic sequences of these plants to refine their answers in their event work books.

Register today.

Registration deadline: 10 June 2016