Darwin Training Suite

Advanced training.

Working with experts from the Institute and across the world to create hands-on training courses and workshops in cutting-edge genomics, bioinformatics, engineering biology, automation, and data analysis.

Our approach to training.

The Advanced Training programme at the Earlham Institute delivers high-quality, specialist training and development opportunities to the UK and international research community. 

The programme aims to realise the impact from our strategic research and infrastructure, through sharing the expertise, tools, and innovations developed at the Institute.

Advanced Training Logo

Led by experts in their field

We run a varied and demand-led calendar of courses, workshops, and events throughout the year to upskill and address any potential knowledge gaps, particularly focused on PhD and early-career researcher community.

Courses might include anything from short workshops on specific software or key programming skills to longer, hands-on courses that encompass complete research workflows, including topics such as:

  • Single Cell technologies and spatial transcriptomics
  • Genome Annotation
  • Long Read Sequencing
  • Metagenomics 
  • Engineering biology 
  • Automation
  • Introductory and Advanced Programming
  • Data Management
  • Data Visualisation

In addition to technical courses, our work also contributes to developing conversations across the wider life science community through conference and symposium-style events, aiming to generate engagement, foster greater collaboration, and harness emerging technologies. 

Attendees to our software carpentry workshop in the Darwin training suite at EI. Researcher Nicola Soranzo stands at the front of the room pointing at the large display screen. Participants sit at rows of curved desks around the screen.
Attendees during our Metagenomics workshop in the lab
Participants on our Data Carpentry workshop in the training suite at the Earlham Institute

Advancing and upskilling future research leaders

We are passionate about the exciting research that takes place at EI and understand the importance of inspiring the next generation of scientists to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to become STEMM professionals. 

We offer structured programmes of development opportunities and placements, covering the spectrum of higher and further education, including: 

Mobile talent

The Advanced Training programme promotes and fosters the ‘mobility’ of talent between academia and industry, as well as career progression through staff exchanges, immersive visitor training, and secondment placements.