I am a John Innes Fundation (JIF) PhD student working in the Hall group, under the supervision of Neil Hall and Mark McMullan.
My PhD project focuses on understanding the infection and spread of wheat take-all disease, caused by the fungus Gaeumannomyces tritici (Gt), as well as its chemical resistance and potential biocontrol solutions.
Take-all is the most significant root disease of wheat worldwide, leading to substantial yield losses and reduced grain quality. I employ a combination of laboratory techniques, developing PCR based soil assays, alongside bioinformatics and quantitative genetics to analyze the genomes of G. tritici and its antagonists.
This project is part of the Delivering Sustainable Wheat (DSW) programme in collaboration with Rothamsted Research.
Prior to EI, I completed a Master degree in Biological engineering, at Polytech Clermont, University Clermont Auvergne in France.
Additionally, during my master's degree I carried out an internship at the Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics (QGG), Aarhus University, Denmark, where I studied the impact of mutations on B. Distachyon, and another at Limagrain, Chappes, France, where I studied the use of high-resolution genotyping data for QTL detection by GWAS in maize.