Andrew Goldson

Platform Manager
Profile photo of Andrew Goldson



  • +44 (0) 1603 450 910



My role at the Earlham Institute is to manage and operate instrumentation in the single-cell and spatial genomics laboratory, to enable smooth workflows to downstream processing, foster collaborations, and implement cost recovery strategies to enhance sustainability.

I previously managed the Quadram Institute’s flow cytometry facility and the UEA’s flow cytometry service.

I also coordinate the Norwich Cytometry Network (NCN), which brings together facility Flow Cytometry managers and users from across the Norwich Research Park. We share challenges and innovations with the instrumentation available within each of the cytometry facilities, and discuss the breadth of ongoing research that these support, in order to facilitate exchange of best practice and increase collaboration and coordination between them.

We aim to meet bi-annually and welcome attendees from the Earlham Institute, John Innes Centre, The Sainsbury Laboratory, Quadram Institute, University of East Anglia and the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. Meeting content will be updated accordingly with new developments and users.