
Carolina Olave Achury

PhD Student
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I am a Norwich Research Park Bioscience Doctoral Training Partnership (NRPDTP) PhD student working in Jose De Vega's Group.

During my PhD I will be characterising the immunity inventory in Musa cultivars with the aim to identify NLR candidates against the Panama Disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum TR4. I will be using computational approach and in planta assays to stablish this inventory. This project is in collaboration with the Norwich Research Park based biotech company Tropic Biosciences.

I did my bachelor’s in Microbiology and Chemical Engineering at Los Andes University in Colombia. I did a masters in Biological Sciences in phytopathology where I characterize isolates of Phytophthora infestans in commercial tomato crops in Colombia. Before coming to EI, I was an intern at The Sainsbury Laboratory working in effector biology, resistance genes discovery and characterization to improve potato breeding..