
Marek Glombik

Postdoctoral Research Scientist
Profile of Marek Glombik


Personal pronouns: He/him

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Marek Glombik

My research is part of the Decoding Biodiversity program and focuses on studying chromosomal rearrangements and other structural variations in banana cultivars using latest long-read sequencing technologies (Oxford Nanopore). 

This entails generating and exploring genome and pangenome assemblies and annotations, and associating the variation in DNA sequence to phenotype with a deeper focus on traits related to the resistance against the Panama disease.

Prior to joining De Vega group at Earlham Institute I worked at the John Innes Centre generating genome assemblies of Brassicas and studying the inheritance of triad gene expression in elite and landrace wheat cultivars.

I have a background in plant genomics and bioinformatics and I am highly interested in polyploid crops, their genomes, evolution and improvement for agricultural use.