
Meng-Ting Hsieh

PhD Student
Profile of Meng-Ting


Contact details:

+44 1603 450 905


I am Norwich Research Park Doctoral Training Program (NRPDTP) student in Prof. Anthony Hall’s group. 

I am working on characterising Asian rice genetic diversity across modern and historical and elite varieties. By developing skills and tools in bioinformatics, I hope to discover dynamic relationship between varieties throughout the time.

The project is in collaboration with the Group of Dr Rafal Gutaker at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 

My previous works were also focused on Rice. I finished my undergraduate and master’s degree in National Taiwan University and then worked as a research assistant in Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute for about 1 year. In the period, I had completed a study on two segregation distortion loci in an indica/japonica hybrid rice population and participated in studies of weedy rice dispersal and low-Cadmium rice breeding.