Earlham Institute summer school on bioinformatics
The course will provide an overview of bioinformatics from sequence searching, expression data, through to protein-protein interactions, including an overview of common databases, tools and tasks.
The course will provide an overview of bioinformatics from sequence searching, expression data, through to protein-protein interactions, including an overview of common databases, tools and tasks.
The course will provide an overview of bioinformatics from sequence searching, expression data, through to protein-protein interactions. You will receive an overview of common databases, tools and tasks, learn why, when and how to use the command line, and will finish with a session in groups focussed on answering a biological question using the tools learned over the course. The course comprises conceptual lectures, hands on exercises, and group activities. It also provides ample opportunities to interact with expert trainers, motivated researchers and your fellow trainees.
This course is aimed primarily at PhD students and early career postdocs. You will ideally have a project in the near immediate future or still in the early stages of development related to the subject matter of this course. You will be new to the area of bioinformatics and want to get a feel for the range of tools available for analysis of your data. The selection committee will be looking at the overlap between the applicants’ expectations from the course and what the course will be delivering, coupled with the timely application of skills learned during the course to their research.
£300.00 which is inclusive of lunch and refreshments, course dinner and course materials.
Accommodation and transport from/to hotel to EI will be available as an optional extra during registration if you are selected for the course.
Registration deadline: 20 May 2016
Participation: Open application with selection process