Special Feature Technology
July 20, 2022

The art of being single: advanced single-cell sequencing technology

As part of its National Capability in Genomics and Single Cell Analysis, the Earlham Institute (EI) has established a state-of-the-art, multi-omic single-cell platform enabling genomic, epigenomic and transcriptomic analysis of individual cells from a wide variety of organisms.

Single-cell sequencing technology and analysis has come on leaps and bounds in recent years. The Earlham Institute has built exceptional capability for single-cell analysis, bringing together expertise and infrastructure to advance the application of this exciting technology across the tree of life.

As part of its National Capability in Genomics and Single Cell Analysis, the Earlham Institute (EI) has established a state-of-the-art, multi-omic single-cell platform enabling genomic, epigenomic and transcriptomic analysis of individual cells from a wide variety of organisms.

Thanks to long-term support through infrastructure and capital funding from BBSRC, alongside grants from Cancer Research UK, Wellcome and responsive mode BBSRC funding, EI has established a dedicated suite of laboratories to support cutting-edge single-cell sequencing and analysis. 

Our state-of-the-art labs are now equipped with cell sorting, microfluidic and laser capture microdissection platforms for cell isolation, coupled with dedicated instruments for automated, high-throughput sequencing library preparation for single-cell sequencing. 

An active and experienced team is busy using and improving this infrastructure, leading and collaborating on a diverse range of research projects, with impact in areas ranging from anti-microbial resistance to stem cell biology. 

Dr Iain Macaulay, Technical Development Group Leader at EI, and his collaborators share some of our single-cell success stories and tell us why academics and industry stand to benefit from the growth of our advanced platforms and expertise. 

Having our labs co-localised with Karim Gharbi’s Genomics Pipelines team has really helped us to develop and automate these approaches, and lets us explore how we can share these new methods with the community quickly as demand emerges.

Dr Iain Macaulay, Technical Development Group Leader at the Earlham Institute


Exploring cellular identity

“Our group focuses on the development and implementation of new ways to explore the molecular and functional identity of individual cells,” explains Macaulay. “To explore a cell’s molecular identity, we have established platforms and protocols for single-cell genomics, transcriptomics and multi-omic analysis. 

“Generally, we’re interested in extracting as much information as possible from each single cell we analyse. To do this, we’ve developed and established a set of multi-omic tools which let us read out genomic, epigenomic and transcriptomic information from the same cell.”

The group also continues to integrate new approaches – such as long-read sequencing – into single-cell workflows. “This has been a really exciting area of research,” says Macaulay, “allowing us to explore alternative splicing in individual cells. 

Single Cell screenshot 1

The BDS FACSMelody enabled the Institute to undertake method development and pilot projects work more easily.

“Biologically, this is really important but it’s something that is overlooked in most current single-cell experiments, and we were fortunate to be awarded a BBSRC New Investigator Award to support this work.”

Macaulay insists that any data the Group has generated using this approach has been really eye-opening - showing multiple isoforms of the same gene expressed in individual cells, sometimes with profound functional implications for the role of that gene in the cell’s biology. 

“Having our labs co-localised with Karim Gharbi’s Genomics Pipelines team has really helped us to develop and automate these approaches, and lets us explore how we can share these new methods with the community quickly as demand emerges,” he adds. 

“The beauty of single-cell approaches is they can be applied across the spectrum of living systems, and so have potential benefits for a very wide research community. 

“A major focus of our efforts in the area has been the translation of these approaches from ‘traditional’ biomedical research to broader applications.” 


Generally, we’re interested in extracting as much information as possible from each single cell we analyse. To do this, we’ve developed and established a set of multi-omic tools which let us read out genomic, epigenomic and transcriptomic information from the same cell.

Single-celled single-cell genomics

Single-celled organisms are, naturally, perfect candidates for single-cell sequencing. Accessing genomic information from individual bacteria, for example, is allowing the team to explore evolutionary processes as the population adapts to antibiotics. 

One area where this is incredibly important is in understanding how antimicrobial resistance (AMR) emerges. 

To tackle this, Dr. Johana Hernandez and Dr. Matt Bawn worked with the single-cell group, as part of a collaboration between EI and the neighbouring Quadram Institute, to establish experimental and computational tools to sequence the entire genomes of individual Salmonella. They used this data to extract mutational signatures associated with adaptation to antibiotics and were able to build a ‘family tree’ of the bacterial population as it evolved. 

Bawn, a Postdoctoral Scientist at EI and the Quadram Institute, says: “This is giving us an unprecedented snapshot of how AMR can emerge. 

“Although we profiled just a few hundred bacteria, we saw several sub-populations - including some which had already acquired one or two mutations known to enable resistance. 

“This has really changed how we’ll approach these questions in future, and we’re now looking at ways to profile thousands - or hundreds of thousands - of bacteria in a single experiment.”

Beyond this, methods developed in the lab have been adapted to study biodiversity at single-cell resolution. 

Protists are single-celled organisms which are neither plant, animal or fungus, yet they make up a huge proportion of Earth’s biomass and biodiversity. As part of the Darwin Tree of Life project, EI has used parallel Genome and Transcriptome sequencing - or G&T-seq - from the same single cell to profile the DNA and RNA of individual protists.

“The ability to unlock this kind of information from single protists - using methods originally developed with cancer biology in mind - enables us to explore their diversity in a whole new way,” explains Professor Neil Hall, Director of EI and one of the scientists leading the Darwin Tree of Life project. 

“We can start to think about generating annotated reference genomes from individuals within a population. This will give us a unique insight into the complexity of protist communities and protist functional genomics.”

This has really changed how we’ll approach these questions in future, and we’re now looking at ways to profile thousands - or hundreds of thousands - of bacteria in a single experiment.

Matt Bawn, Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Hall Group

Written in blood

Much of the research in the Macaulay group focuses on the application of single-cell approaches to explore blood cell development. “It’s a really natural system in which to apply single-cell approaches,” explains Macaulay. 

“It’s well understood that even the purest stem cell populations can be heterogeneous, and so methods to unpick molecular cellular identity are really important.”

Macaulay’s group are interested in how blood stem cells make all of the cells in circulating blood, and how this changes with age and stress. Using multi-omic and long-read single-cell sequencing approaches, they can see how individual cells in this system vary in terms of their epigenomes and transcriptomes. 

“In particular, we’re interested in how alternative splicing can shape blood cell development,” adds Macaulay. “We’ve worked closely with Dr Wilfried Haerty at EI and Dr Stuart Rushworth at UEA to develop our research in this area.”

Dr Edyta Wojtowicz joined the Group in 2019 after a BBSRC Flexible Talent Mobility Award (FTMA) enabled her to generate pilot data for a successful application for a prestigious Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship. Wojtowicz used cell barcoding strategies to investigate how different stem cells can make different types of blood cells in vivo. 

“The infrastructure for cellular, molecular and computational biology at EI is world-class,” says Wojtowicz. “It has been the ideal environment to develop my research, enabling me to work at the boundary of cellular and genome biology, and the support of TMF and Institute Development Grant funding has been invaluable in initiating new projects and collaborations.”

The beauty of single-cell approaches is they can be applied across the spectrum of living systems, and so have potential benefits for a very wide research community. A major focus of our efforts in the area has been the translation of these approaches from ‘traditional’ biomedical research to broader applications.


Platform development

The Earlham Institute’s capability in single cell genomics has been built over the past six years, with support for infrastructure totalling over £2m coming through three rounds of capital funding from BBSRC.

“We really started from scratch back in 2016,” recalls Macaulay. “With Ashleigh Lister, the first member of the group, we started by setting up the basics - tissue culture, microscopy and manual single-cell RNA-seq library preparation.”

With support from Sarah Cossey, EI’s Director of Operations, they secured BBSRC capital funding for a BD FACSMelody cell sorter, which was a real turning point in the development of the platform. 

“We were able to undertake cell sorting experiments in-house,” explains Macaulay, “meaning we could now routinely isolate anything from single bacteria to blood stem cells.

“This was a hugely empowering investment and created the opportunity to undertake method development and automation efforts, as well as pilot projects much more easily. It also enabled much greater engagement in collaborative work across Norwich Research Park.  

“In parallel, we also implemented single-cell protocols on the 10X Genomics Chromium. At the time, it was in heavy use as a platform for genome assembly using synthetic long reads, and the single-cell protocol was something of a side line. This has of course changed dramatically since then - the 10X is one of our most-used platforms nowadays! 

This early period was all about laying foundations. “Bringing in these key pieces of equipment allowed us to be more self-sufficient and build some momentum around single-cell at EI,” says Macaulay. 

“With the support of the EI Training team, we also held our first Single-Cell Symposium, which we have since run annually. It has become a cornerstone in our connection with the wider research community.” Coupled with the advanced scientific training on offer at EI, there has been an ever-growing list of people considering working with EI to explore single cell approaches.

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NRPDTP PhD Student Anita Scoones presenting at the EI Single-Cell Symposium

Establishing a home for single-cell genomics

In 2019, plans were developed for a major reconfiguration of the single-cell lab space. The idea was not just to have the equipment but to create dedicated laboratories to house it - and the people who use it.

“Although the pandemic had a major impact on our research, the reduced numbers of people on site enabled us to undertake a major reconfiguration of the labs without too much further disruption,” says Macaulay. 

“They were purpose-built around our workflows, to increase platform accessibility and minimise the potential for cross-contamination between processes, such as pre- and post-PCR work.” 

The labs were also all upgraded to meet biosafety level 2 requirements, which expands the breadth of work the Group can undertake.

Macaulay believes the refurbishment highlights one of the unique aspects of single-cell genomics at EI. “We can now see the sequencing labs just across the corridor from us when we are sorting cells,” he explains. 

“It sounds trivial, but that kind of set-up - where the whole workflow is under one roof - transforms the way we think about the process and brings all of the people and expertise much closer together.

“We can easily think about how we can move bespoke methods from research and development in my group into scaled-up, production implementations in the genomics pipelines team.”

At the same time as the refurbishment, a capital award from BBSRC enabled EI to increase their capability for cell isolation; acquiring a BD FACSAria Fusion for advanced cell sorting; a Cellenion Cellenone, which enables processing of large or delicate cells; and a Leica LMD7 laser microdissection platform for spatially-resolved sampling of tissues. 

They also acquired additional liquid handling platforms, including the iDot and iDot mini platforms from Cytena, which they are currently using to refine and minaturise many of their workflows. 

“Now fully operational, this new space is a hive of activity,” says Macaulay. “It’s great to see these new spaces and platforms opening up, not just supporting our own group but also the wider EI community.” 



Now fully operational, this new space is a hive of activity, it’s great to see these new spaces and platforms opening up, not just supporting our own group but also the wider EI community.


People power

The evolution of single cell genomics at EI is not just about cutting-edge technology. The passion and ambition of the people in the team has been the key to its success. 

“We’ve managed to grow a really enthusiastic and talented team,” says Macaulay. “Through the NRP DTP programme, as well as a collaborative grant funded by CRUK, we currently have three PhD students, with core and responsive mode BBSRC funding supporting two Research Assistants and two Postdoctoral Scientists.

“We’ve been fortunate enough to get collaborative funding with researchers at UEA (David Monk), the Roslin Institute (Tim Connelley and Musa Hassan) and the IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele in Milan (Giovanni Tonon), which has allowed us to establish really productive research networks with a diverse set of communities, united by their interest in advanced single-cell analysis. 

“We’ve also had opportunities to help members of the team grow their careers - Ashleigh Lister joined our group as Research Assistant and has been fundamental to the platform’s development. Now a Senior Research Assistant, her wealth of expertise benefits our students, as well as visitors from other groups and institutes. 

“Edyta Wojtowicz joined us on her Henry Wellcome fellowship and has taken immense strides towards independence in her research career, commencing her junior group leader post at EI in early 2023.” 

PhD Student Sylvia Ogbeide in the single-cell labs at EI

CRUK Accelerator Award-funded PhD Student Sylvia Ogbeide in the single-cell labs at EI

The Single Cell Symposium has also been critical in building and mobilising the community. Coupled with the advanced scientific training on offer at EI, there are an ever-growing list of people considering single cell approaches.

The success of single sequencing and analysis at EI is, like so many scientific success stories, the result of long-term support, the right mix of expertise and infrastructure, and a team science approach that is helping Macaulay and his colleagues to realise the enormous potential of this technology.


Wider impact

Outside of the Institute, the single-cell capability has enabled other researchers to advance their careers. Dr Geoff Mok, a new group leader at UEA, has worked with the team at EI to explore cell lineage commitment in developmental biology. 

“Interactions with the team inspired a new line of research for me”, says Mok, “This resulted in a collaboration that generated pilot data for a British Heart Foundation research grant, which I was successfully awarded. 

“This would not have been possible without the single-cell genomics, sequencing and bioinformatics facilities at EI.”

Dr Marcela Lipovsek, a recently appointed group leader at the UCL Ear Institute, has also benefited from working with the Institute. “The support and advice from the team at the EI has been instrumental in running my first single-cell genomics experiments during my last postdoc. 

“My project rests heavily on complex single-cell multi-omics experiments that require automation platforms and expert support, all of which make up the unique environment at EI. Working with EI supported my successful application for a Wellcome Trust and Royal Society Sir Henry Dale Fellowship to set up my research group.” 

The Institute’s single-cell platforms and expertise are at the heart of the Cellular Genomics Strategic Programme, where several EI groups will be working together to explore cellular heterogeneity in a wide array of model and non-model organisms.

Wilfried Haerty, Group Leader, Earlham Institute

Building momentum

“We know the platform can have even more impact on local and national science,” says Macaulay, “and we will soon recruit a platform manager. This role will support internal and external users as they engage with us and enable them to make the most of our capability.

“This will hopefully allow us to support even more successful grant and fellowship applications, and really help build a community of single-cell researchers based around EI.” 

The group is also keen to undertake further engagement with industry. 

“In 2020 we performed single-cell sequencing of mouse liver cells with Cytiva (formerly GE Healthcare) to perform a comparative analysis of cell dissociation methods,” explains Macaulay. 

“The data was used in support of a subsequent product release. We know there is a need from industry for support with single-cell genomics and we aim to be available to address these needs”


Looking forwards

As the Institute’s single cell capability has grown, new methods have been introduced to increase the range of biological questions these platforms can address. 

One such area has been in spatial and single-cell sequencing in plants. 

“We’ve adapted methods to enable sequencing of small biopsies of plant material and also single-cell sequencing of protoplasts and nuclei from plants,” says Macaulay. 

The emergence of spatial approaches will have significant impact in plant biology, and the group are currently exploring the best approaches to add this capability to their repertoire. 

“Our platforms and capability in this area have also enabled us to engage with the Plant Cell Atlas and initiate conversations that will shape our future Institute Strategic Programmes,” says Wilfried Haerty, Group Leader at EI and head of EI’s proposed Cellular Genomics Strategic Programme. 

“The Institute’s single-cell platforms and expertise are at the heart of the Cellular Genomics Strategic Programme, where several EI groups will be working together to explore cellular heterogeneity in a wide array of model and non-model organisms.” 

The success of single-cell sequencing and analysis at EI is the result of a long-term and collaborative vision, matched with support for critical infrastructure from BBSRC, to create a thriving ecosystem of researchers using single-cell analysis as a key tool to unravel biological complexity. 

“We’re really fortunate to have been able to build and use such an exceptional platform,” concludes Macaulay, “and we are really happy to see it become so central to EIs research activities going forwards. 

“It has such immense potential to support the Institute and its researchers as they develop. I’m really looking forward to seeing the ways in which EI scientists can push the boundaries of single-cell analysis in the future.”